I resonate deeply with you, with the knowing and wisdom to live softly and open-hearted … I’ve felt something new being born or perhaps awakened since my husband transitioned… and these months have been soft and precious and immensely vulnerable, while filled with infinite, divine love— constantly evolving in subtle moving life filling my awareness with attention to only this, now - which is perfectly, imperfectly enough. Thank you

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is like the ocean itself.

May we return to our source,

happy that we have lived

honest to ourselves.

Are all its' drops alike ?

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how to honor your words... your courage... your wisdom and delicate, profound sensitivity... how to honor you, you as you are... I can only think about the silence of the mind... the light of the heart... and a song, the song of life... or maybe the lyrics of this other song... more terrenal... this is what comes to my mind to cherish your being and be grateful for you, for all of you, all your words, breath, hum ... all of you is sacred... including your rage...all of you is divine... and I honor you 🙏

I adapted this song from nick cave... to timidly honor you as you always are

I don't believe in an interventionist God

But maybe you do

if I did, I would kneel down and ask him

not to intervene when it came to you

not to touch a hair on your head

Leave you as you are

And I don't believe in the existence of angels

But reading you I wonder if that's true

if I did, I would summon them together

And ask them to watch over you

Well, to each burn a candle for you

To make bright and clear your path

And to walk, like Christ, in grace and love

And yes, I believe in unconditional love

And I know that you do too

And I believe in some kind of path

That we all humans can walk

So keep your candles burning

Make the journey bright and pure

like you are

Always and evermore

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Thank you for this candid writing. I find it so beautiful to realize how interconnected we all are..having experiences that mirror even though the stories are often so different. I encourage you to continue writing from this depth and softness. I feel your truth trembling in uncertainty..however there is nothing to fear when embodying this! We must all do it together. Supporting and holding space along the way..thank you for sharing. Know all of humanity is right there with you whether each individual knows it or not.

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beautiful words and deep wisdom here. Thank you for this sharing. Here with you on the journey. with vulnerability, doing our best to embody and live the things we know. I think a lot about meaning and significance/signifiers. https://substack.com/@meganyoungmee/p-141781661

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