Aug 24Liked by Justyna Cyrankiewicz

Thanks for sharing yourself in the oneness of this space you have so beautifully created.

The enigmatic strength of vulnerability through which and into which, the universe flows light to the darkness so that colours may arise.

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Thank you so much for reading, Peter, and for your beautiful words!

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Beautiful, wise, and timely... thank you for this, Justyna! And yes, to openness and emptiness being one and the same. Thank you, Pema, and thank you, Justyna, for bringing your meaning to this insight.

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Dear Grace, thank you so much for reading! It’s wonderful to hear that the essay resonated with you. Pema’s teachings have been a great influence on me, and I’m glad I could offer a bit of my own perspective on this insight. Your feedback means a lot to me! 🙏

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Aug 26Liked by Justyna Cyrankiewicz

Thank you for a very thought-provoking essay, and inviting us to take the journey with you.

As to your last question… the concept of what a fulfilling life is has certainly evolved for me. My journey is one of remembering and reclaiming the reason I am alive. Returning to my childhood dream and living it out has played a significant role in that. But that is only part of the equation. All that must be balanced with the principles of simply being, mindfulness and presence. I believe our souls manifest these wonderful bodies and come to earth to learn through experience that which is needed to fully realize what it means to be love.

Presently, the best I can define it, is the life that occurs when we discover our true identity as a manifestation of love itself, that has come to earth to carry out a mission, in the context of experiencing the fullness of being alive, embracing the full spectrum of emotion, all for the joy of the of becoming a fuller expression of love.

Many blessings

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Thank you for joining me on this journey and for sharing such a beautiful, thoughtful reflection, Wayne!

I can relate to the feeling of reclaimed aliveness and fulfilment in doing that which we yearned for since childhood—for me, it's writing. I wonder what form did it take for you if you don't mind sharing :)

And when it comes to the container that holds it all: mindfulness and presence which you write about, they certainly deepen our capacity to be here and fulfil what this life asks us to become.

Many blessings to you as well 🙏

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Sep 2Liked by Justyna Cyrankiewicz

Honored to be here. As to your question of how it occurred for me me. As a child, I said over and over again when grew up, I was moving to the mountains of New York and building a resort. As most people, I concluded as an adult, it was just a childish fantasy. But in my early 30s, I had a major burn out emotionally spiritually and physically. Thankfully, I survived and recovered, but the result of that, terrible beautiful gift, I remembered my dream. It’s a long story but one I am so grateful for. Today I do live in the Adirondack mountains of New York where my wife and I operate are small but heart centered resort of two inns of 17 rooms and a small restaurant! ❤️

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This is absolutely wonderful! It made me smile and fills my heart :) I'm so happy for you and your wife! ❤️ Thank you for sharing 🙏

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Sep 6Liked by Justyna Cyrankiewicz

I’m so glad it did! Knowing so, made me smile with happiness and a full heart ❤️. Many Blessings to you ‼️

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Sep 2Liked by Justyna Cyrankiewicz

Very well expressed, Wayne! Many thanks for your thoughts.

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Thank you Leon🙏❤️‼️

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Aug 26Liked by Justyna Cyrankiewicz

Phew! What a read Justyna! Thank you! I can't wait to soak up all the wisdom that will come out of this season for you, Justyna! Thanks once again for the gift of expression that you so generously give here.

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Thank you so much for being here, Seye! It means a lot to know that you’re looking forward to more :) Writing is a great joy for me, especially when I can share it with such a supportive community. Grateful for your kind words and encouragement!

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Aug 24Liked by Justyna Cyrankiewicz

As always your beautiful sentiment shines bright 🙏 💛

To your last question, imho a fulfilling life can be found in this moment, and in every new moment that unfolds. Each moment is, regardless it's contents, always an expression of love by simply being open to receive it... what else is needed to fulfill life?

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Thank you so much Forrest

What a beautiful reflection on life you’ve shared here!

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Aug 29Liked by Justyna Cyrankiewicz

Amazingly wise and inspiring and beautiful and terrifying! Thank you so very much!

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Thank you so much for your kind words, Jonathan! I'm humbled that this essay resonated with you on so many levels!

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Aug 27Liked by Justyna Cyrankiewicz

dear justyna,

thank you for sharing this and all that you do! and thank you for caring for yourself! here are some pieces of your piece today that leapt out at me:

"Stepping into the light requires wading through darkness."

"In times of undoing, I found myself feeling pulled to hide in my grandma’s loving hands, like a small animal seeking warm and calm shelter amidst the outpouring. With my heart shattered by boys or men as I grew up, when friends left, or when nothing worked out as I hoped it would, I’d crawl to her lap, crying huge tears, and lay my head upon it, and find peace. She would caress my hair for hours, speaking softly: “It is all going to be well, my little kitten, it is all going to be well. You didn’t deserve any of that, it is not your fault, they didn’t see what you can give, they weren’t ready to welcome it.” She’d repeat it like a spell, and, indeed, it worked magic."

"Love is sourceless. It’s equally available to each of us, whether we walk solo, as a couple, or in a group. You can stand alone, with bare feet and empty hands, and still feel your existence overflowing with love. It is something that connects us all. Deep down, below all the human-created layers of social and cultural formation, beneath our wounds and fears, our core is a free flow of love. We always have access to it. It is our default state of being. A human being is a loving being."

thank you so much for sharing!

much love


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Thank you so much for reading, dear Myq! And for taking the time to share the pieces that resonated with you :) 🙏

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Aug 26Liked by Justyna Cyrankiewicz

To answer your last question: Continued learning, continued growth! Also, thank you for the beautiful images......

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I appreciate you sharing your perspective and am glad you enjoyed the images too! :)

I completely agree—continued learning and growth help us find joy and fulfilment in the cycle of becoming and undoing, allowing the parts of us that are accustomed to always looking out for goals and measurements to rest in the gentle movement of here now.

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Thank you, Justyna!

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Aug 26Liked by Justyna Cyrankiewicz

Justyna, this is why I enjoy wandering through Substack - I invariably encounter beautiful, profound, articulate, exciting writing. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insights! Very much appreciated.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Author

I'm so glad you enjoy exploring Substack and found my writing somewhere among the many treasures here! Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts! :)

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What a beautiful exploration. Thank you 💜

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Thank you for reading Simone!

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Tender and timely, thank you.

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Thank you for reading, Kaitlyn! ❤️

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